How to Enroll
Ready to enroll but not sure where to begin? Our professional staff will be able to guide you step-by-step through the process. Call us today at 631-760-7992 to speak with one of our enrollment specialists. To further assist you, please review the following step-by-step rundown of the stages of enrollment.

Stage 1: Telephone Inquiry
The telephone inquiry is the first opportunity for you to speak to West Hills Academy. This is a time to ask initial questions regarding the program offered, as well as share pertinent information about your child. At this time, an appointment can be scheduled to tour our campus and meet with the admissions director.

Stage 2: Tour and Initial Parent Meeting
Tour our serene 18-acre campus where you will view our beautiful grounds, see our classrooms in action, and visit our facilities. You will quickly see that our natural setting is perfect for your child’s growth and development. Following your tour, you will have the opportunity to meet with the admissions director as well as the program director to have your questions answered and obtain any additional information that you might need. You will be asked to provide the school with a screening packet, including a current IEP and any other relevant assessments your child has received. If it is mutually determined that West Hills Academy is a possible placement for your child, a student screening can be scheduled at this time.

Stage 3: Student Screening
All student screenings are conducted by the program director. The classroom screening is approximately an hour in length, where half of your child’s time will be spent participating in a social skills activity and the other half on academic based work. Your child will be observed by both the director and the classroom teacher to help in determining potential placement.

Stage 4: File Review
The admissions team will review and analyze the information that has been gathered. A decision regarding placement is made

Stage 5: Acceptance/Rejection
After a decision has been finalized, a letter will be mailed home to notify you of your child’s acceptance or rejection into the program. If your child has been accepted, a complete welcome packet will be mailed home, including an official acceptance letter and all required enrollment forms.

Stage 6: Enrollment
All enrollment paperwork must be submitted to determine a start date for your child. Once received, you will be informed of your child’s start date and classroom placement.