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How to Build Self-Esteem in a Neurodivergent Learner

How to Build Self-Esteem in a Neurodivergent Learner

We don’t often think about it, but self-esteem plays a key role in a child’s development. It shapes how they view themselves, handle challenges, and interact with the world. For neurodivergent learners, including those who are twice exceptional, self-esteem can be...

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How to Prepare Your Anxious Child for Holiday Events

How to Prepare Your Anxious Child for Holiday Events

When did there become so many holiday events every year? We love the traditions, the fun, and all of the festivities…but over time, the lights, the sounds, the crowds, and the busy schedule can become a lot for anyone to handle.  If your child struggles with anxiety,...

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Sensory Play Ideas for the Fall

Sensory Play Ideas for the Fall

Transitions are hard, and for many of our students, transitioning seasons and back to school at the same time can be a challenging time.  Sometimes, sensory play is a perfect activity to fit into an after-school routine or a weekend to help your child decompress as...

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How to Work Through Your Child’s Rigidity

How to Work Through Your Child’s Rigidity

How to Work Through Your Child’s Rigidity You are all too familiar with the feeling: your child insisting on taking the same way home every day, down to the exact part of the sidewalk. Maybe they need to be picked up by the same person, at the same time, every day...

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Understanding High Functioning Autism

Understanding High Functioning Autism

High functioning autism, a subset of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), refers to individuals who have average or above-average intellectual abilities. They can exhibit strong verbal skills and may demonstrate exceptional talents in certain academic or creative fields. ...

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West Hills Academy is a program of
Gersh Autism